It would be easiest if you worried about the money and let your clients worry about everything else. But, unfortunately, everything else is everything that isn’t their investments or financial planning needs.
Everything else is their life and how they feel about it. Getting involved with your clients on this level and their feelings, aspirations, hopes, and dreams are dangerous.
I mean, they might tell you! They might say something like, “I’d like to spend more time with my kids,” which hasn’t got anything to do with a calculator, and then what will you do?
You better watch out, or the next thing you know, you might feel obligated to help them achieve their personal goals that are separate from their financial goals, and this could be terrifying because you might not know how.
Financial plans are not enough.
It would be easiest if you worried about the money and let your clients worry about everything else, but is it best?
And if so, better for you or better for them?