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Blog 288 – How To Onboard Part V

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

Blog 288 – How To Onboard Part V

Note to those of you who have just joined us, welcome. Note that this is part 5 so you’ll want to go back to blog 283 and start reading from there.

Businesses that get spoken about, get referrals.

The problem for most financial advisors is that they’re trying to play a part – they want to look, sound, walk and talk like a financial advisor. Most advisors run very professional, organized meetings. I’d know, I’ve attended a million.

The problem is, they’re boring.

Serious doesn’t need to be serious

I know, it’s a serious business and the last thing you would want is for someone to think you’re not taking them or their business seriously but it’s also a human business and as we have discussed humans like to be taken seriously, but they also like …

Suspense. Mystery. Surprise. They love it when you know their name and use it. They love to feel important, so having your whole team come and to be a part of their arrival is a big deal. Check out all the previous blogs, I’ve covered all of this. Humans are simple, we like to make ourselves and each other seem complicated.

Begin with the end in mind …

What do you want this person to do? Let me tell you – You want them to become a client, feel amazing about it, do what you tell them and send you people they know who should also be your client.

Some people think “I want them to become a client” and I’m asking you to think a little bit bigger, and more meaningful than that.

Then start there and work your way back. Remember the 4 realms (last blog) you want to educate them, entertain them and stage an environment that engages them and ideally encourages them to linger.

Remember the enticing and entering stages – see the earlier blogs in this series – if you have followed these basic instructions you should find yourself sitting with a potential new client, whose curiosity has been piqued.

Once you get settled, ask them these two questions.

Ask them to describe the role a financial advisor has played to date in their life. This person will give you an accurate description of what an advisor does. Mostly, the description will be about services, and problems their advisor has previously solved.

Next, ask them what they want – in big general terms – they’re here, they have this much money, and obviously they want to know they are going to be alright – ask them to articulate, as best they can exactly what they would need to receive to feel comfortable all the time.

Most people will tell you the usual suspects. They want to hear bad news from you and not the news which is another way of saying “proactive.” They want a plan that makes sense, that you will update them on and that offers them what they want later without compromising the quality of life they’d like to have along the way.

Here is your homework for next time …

When it’s your turn to talk, you’re going to tell them what your definition of an advisor is. How would you like this person to know you, and describe you.

Work on that. See you Thursday.

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